Monday, October 25, 2010

See that thing I posted below? Yeah, that's my schedule for tomorrow! I have a preview day at Samford University. I can't decide if I'm more excited or nervous..

7:45 AM Meet Rachel Lim in the Brock Recital Hall lobby

8:00 AM Class visit: Don Sanders’s Music Literature class

10:00 AM Faculty appointments: Meeting with the piano faculty and Associate Dean of Music Dr. Bill Strickland

11:00 AM Group Admission Appointment
Office of Admission

1:00 PM Piano seminars

3:00 PM Campus tour
Office of Admission

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Defining People

Okay, here's something to listen to while you read.

Now that we have that covered, there's something that I've been thinking about all day. Well, two things. Actually, three things!

Here's one of them: Christ tells us specifically not to judge people. That's His job. Whether we mean to or not, we do it all the time. Even when we're not meaning to, or even thinking about it, we are. Here's a huge reason how we do: MUSIC. Yes, music. It was shocking to me when I realized it, but it's true. We "judge" or "stereotype" people by the music they listen to every single day. I do it, and I'm ashamed to admit it. Someone might listen to nothing but country music, and what's the first thought that comes into someone's head? "Redneck" Well, not EVERYONE'S head, but it's the first thought that comes into mine sometimes. If someone says that they listen to nothing but screamo, what's the first thought in your head? "Scene kid". These clicks are not what Christ calls us to be putting people in. WE ARE THE BODY. WE ARE NOT CLICKS.

Next on the list: I've been reading from Ephesians 4 this week. I find it a very interesting passage. It says specifically "Be angry, and yet do not sin." This is an easy conclusion, because Christ became angry when he entered the temple and saw people misusing it as a place of selling sacrifices and such. RIGHTEOUS ANGER. That's what that was.

Finally: Ephesians 4:29 was on my heart as well. "Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear." This can be taken many MANY ways. The biggest thing I take from this: DON'T SWEAR AND QUIT PUTTING EACH OTHER DOWN WITH INSULTS. Even playful insults. I'm way guilty of doing this, and I'm sorry for doing it. I'm trying to get better at this. The swearing thing; I've never done and never plan on doing it, but I pray God gives me the strength to stop with the coarse joking.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

"The truth will set you free; just hold my hand"

I'm actually supposed to be doing French right now. Well, French or English. Or History. Something school related, but I need some sort of break. This is currently the song I can't get out of my head at the moment. The lyrics are incredible, the tune is catchy, and the keyboardist is amazing. He's actually an inspiration of mine when I attempt to make up my own tunes. Well, him and Jared Leto...I really wish I could compose like Jared Leto. He is truly one of the greatest of our time. Musically, at least. Lyrically, he's really good, but I just don't agree with/like everything he says. Oh well. Inspiration is inspiration.